Acne-Prone Skin: Top 3 Holistic Lifestyle Habits

Acne-Prone Skin: Top 3 Holistic Lifestyle Habits

We’re passionate about all things skincare. Whether that’s providing tips on how to balance your skin’s pH, care for perimenopausal skin, or support your skin’s delicate barrier and microbiome, we love sharing our wisdom to help you rock your natural glow.

While we’ve written about our favourite products for acne-prone skin, we wanted to go a little deeper and share some of our favourite tips that can help balance your skin from the inside out. 

1. Support your body’s detox pathways

Our body has a beautiful system perfectly designed to help us detoxify toxic substances, excess hormones, chemicals and byproducts of metabolism. It is made up of the liver, kidneys, digestive system, lungs, blood, lymphatic and glymphatic systems, and the skin. If we become a little overburdened trying to detoxify, it can sometimes show up on the skin as acne-breakouts or other skin issues.

Since the skin is such a vital part of our detoxification system, we know that taking the time and effort to support every part of this system can have a beneficial effect on our skin health and reduce the likelihood of acne breakouts. You likely know that we love sipping on our daily cuppa Everyday Detox tea since its blend of functional, organic ingredients supports the health and function of your liver, kidneys, and digestive system.

Other suggestions to support your detox and skin include:

  • Regular dry brushing
  • Physical activity 
  • Adequate sleep 
  • Clean beauty products–we might be biased but we think this line might be the best ;) 
  • Try sweating it out in a sauna
  • A detoxifying magnesium bath 

2. Establish a Consistent Skincare Routine

Your skin loves consistency and routine. Since it's your largest organ, one of it's main jobs is to protect your body from the elements. A big part of this protective mechanism is your skin barrier function. Keeping the skin barrier happy means that the microbes that live within the barrier are thriving, the lipid (fat) layer of your skin is not being disrupted with harsh cleansing and your skin is well hydrated.

These factors ensure the skin barrier is healthy and happy on a consistent basis:

  • Cleanse Gently: Use a gentle cleanser one to two times daily to remove excess oil, dirt, and sweat without over-drying the skin. Avoid harsh scrubbing which can irritate the skin and worsen acne. Fresh Face Cleanser is formulated to be super gentle on your skin while is cleanses using organic concentrated botanicals that support the skin barrier and restore your skin it it’s natural state
  • Moisturize: Opt for non-comedogenic products to keep the skin hydrated and moisturized without clogging pores. Even oily skin needs moisture to maintain a healthy barrier. Hella Hydrating Serum is the perfect two-ingredient product to hydrate, moisturize and truly nourish the skin.
  • Sun Protection: Apply a mineral-based natural sunscreen daily. Some acne treatments can make the skin more sensitive to the sun, so protection is critical. 

3. Stress less

We know, we know. This is a lot easier said than done. With the busyness of life and all of our responsibilities it can be hard to lower our stress levels. However, the hormonal response of chronic stress, especially cortisol and insulin spikes, can wreak havoc on your skin and cause breakouts, which can lead to more stress, and so on.

There are some stressors in life that are fixed, but as always there are small ways we can start to lower our stress levels for the better. Setting healthy boundaries with family, friends, and work doesn’t sound as fun as a bubble bath, but it can do wonders for reducing your mental and physical load. Other small ways you can support your nervous system and lower your stress response include: 

  • Sip on a soothing cuppa T.L.C. Tea. Loaded with organic herbs such as lemon balm and passionflower specifically chosen to calm the body and mind, it’s the perfect way to incorporate a restorative moment into a busy day. 
  • Practice mindfulness and meditation to lower your cortisol levels. 
  • Get out in nature everyday and touch grass. 
  • Find a hobby you love that you can do just for fun, not to monetize or try to excel at.

Other honourable mentions to prevent acne include keeping your skin pH balanced, gently exfoliating your skin weekly to remove dead skin cells and debris (read more about the benefits here!), and keeping things skinimal. We always suggest supporting your skin with organic, functional, and totally clean beauty products designed to keep your skin healthy, balanced, and glowing.

We hope this post has inspired you with some simple tips you can start incorporating into your routine right away to prevent acne for a natural, healthy glow!